Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Breath of Fresh Air: Wuthering Heights

   Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights literally talks about breaths of fresh air; there is nothing but fresh air on the moors. It is also a breath of fresh air in literature. While unfortunately not a common part of school curriculums, Bronte is widely regarded as a great author. She can also be regarded as a feminist. The women in Wuthering Heights, though they have their issues, are strong personalities. It is told from a woman's perspective. The narrator, Nelly, is only a maid, though she plays a vital role in raising the children. Heathcliff and Edgar's lives depend on Catherine and after Catherine the mom is gone, young Catherine has Edgar gripped.
    Students need to read more books from a woman's perspective. Nelly tells the story with a critical eye, though she is a caring, motherly figure.
    This story focuses on what matters in life- relationships, love, homes and the stages of a life. Often, books written by men are driven by action and pride.

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